551 W Kennett, Pontiac, Michigan 48340
May 05, 2024
K.Dvadashi till 08:12
then K.Trayodashi
U.Bhadrapada till 10:27
Sun Rise/Set: 06:24/20:37
Rahu Kalam: 18:50-20:37
Yemaganda: 13:30-15:17
Gulikai Kalam: 17:04-18:50
*EST (Detroit, Michigan)
Temple Timings
Weekdays: 9am - noon & 5pm - 8:45pm; Weekends/Festivals: 9am-8:45pm

Akshaya Tritiya
Friday, 10 May 2024


The Significance of Akshaya Tritiya

Akshaya (meaning Never-Ending or that which never diminishes) Tritiya (the Third Day of Shuklapaksha (Waxing Moon) in the Vishaka Month is regarded as the day of Eternal Success. The Sun and Moon are both in an exalted position, or simultaneously at their peak of brightness on this day, which occurs only once a year. The entire day is considered auspicious. We have a grand celebration planned so you can be infused with this never-ending prosperity. This 24-hour window of time only happens once a year, when the Earth is energized with material and spiritual abundance and performing the Pooja at Parashakthi Temple is very significant given the mystical nature of our Temple.

Any Pooja or good deed (such as feeding the poor, donating money to a mystically active Temple like Parashakthi Temple, etc.) you perform on this day is hundred-fold effective. According to the Vedas, when you give with a pure heart, it brings back the money manifold. It is a belief that if you purchase even a small amount of gold (at least 1 gm) then it will accumulate prosperity all year long.

This day is also widely celebrated as Parusurama Jayanti, in honor of Parasurama - the Sixth incarnation of Lord Maha Vishnu. Lord Kubera, who is the keeper of wealth for Goddess Maha Lakshmi, is said to Himself pray to the Goddess on this day. Lord Maha Vishnu and His Avatars, Goddess Maha Lakshmi and Lord Kubera are worshipped on Akshaya Tritiya.

Lord Krishna & Akshaya Tritiya

The Akshaya Tritiya legend associated with Lord Sri Krishna and His childhood friend Kuchela. Kuchela went to meet his friend with the hope of solving his poverty as Sri Krishna was a king and hence very rich. He could only afford to carry rice flakes along with him to greet Lord Sri Krishna. Though he was ashamed initially to share the rice flakes with the Lord forced him to give those flakes. The moment Sri Krishna tasted those flakes, Kuchela's poverty vanished and he became rich overnight.

Pithru Pooja

Since Divine Mother Parashakthi is intensely and actively manifest and due to the mystical nature of our Temple, all Pithrus (all our ancestors' subtle and causal bodies) congregate at our Temple. All these Ethereal beings are pleased and will gain higher cosmic energy when we offer pujas on their behalf. Great benefits accrue to us when they are pleased. Since they are closer to our level of consciousness, they will grant us boons and immense blessings. These unique and miraculous blessings are more intensely granted at our Temple.

Pithru Tarpanam can be done on any day of the year depending on the day one's ancestors passed away but performing it during Akshaya Tritiya and Mahalaya Amavasya will give multi-fold blessings and is auspicious and said to appease all past ancestors. Performing Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Homa / Archana on this day are especially auspicious for Pithru Shanthi.

It’s very auspicious for Devotees to offer Flowers to their Pithrus on this special Day!

It is very auspicious for Devotees to support for the temple construction on Akshaya Tritiya. Please circulate this message to your family and friends and bring more sponsors and in this way, you will participate and connect with the temple construction. Your generous donation will help in achieving Temple's mission of sharing Divine Mother's grace with humanity so that they can experience and explore the Divine. It is a rare and timely opportunity to donate currently for the Parashakthi temple construction to build a better Home for world protection.

Program Details:
9:00 AM Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva, Sri Ashta Lakshmi along with Sri Vaarahi & Rajamathangi moola Mantra Homam followed by Chatoordha Moorthy Puja (Ratha Nirmana Puja In Puri)
10:30 AM Sri Shivalinga Abhishekam along with Sri Devi Parashakthi Abhishekam
5:30 PM Sri Lalitha Trishathi Namarchana
6:00 PM Panchavimshathi Kalasha Puja followed by  Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva Swamy Maha Mandala Abhishekam, Archana and Aarathi

* The gold pendant can be collected after the Puja.
** Additional Shipping charges for the pendant/coin $15 within US and for out of country please call the Temple


Whole Day (includes all Puja and 1gm Energized Gold)
1gm Energized Gold