551 W Kennett, Pontiac, Michigan 48340
Mar 06, 2025
S.Saptami till 00:21
then S.Ashtami till 22:48
Rohini till 13:35
Sun Rise/Set: 07:01/18:28
Rahu Kalam: 14:11-15:37
Yemaganda: 07:01-08:27
Gulikai Kalam: 09:53-11:19
*EST (Detroit, Michigan)
Temple Timings
Weekdays: 9am - noon & 5pm - 8:45pm; Weekends/Festivals: 9am-8:45pm

Sri Ashtalakshmi

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The divine mother, Devi Karumari Amman-Parashakthi during intense Kundalini mediation conveyed that she desires to have Vishnu and Mahalakshmi’s aspect to be installed at the Parashakthi temple, so that she could energize them, which would result in granting of material wealth to devotees.

Devi Mahalakshmi Gayatri:

Om Mahadevyaicha Vidhmahe

Vishnu Patnyeicha Dheemahi

Tanno Lakshmi Prachothayat

The divine mother, Devi Karumari Amman-Parashakthi during intense Kundalini mediation conveyed that she desires to have Vishnu and Mahalakshmi’s aspect to be installed at the Parashakthi temple, so that she could energize them, which would result in granting of material wealth to devotees. Since then Dr. Krishna Kumar along with certain mystics in India, who are associated with Parashakthi worship, have coordinated to bring Mahalakshmi and Ashtalakshmi Vigrahas to the Parashakthi temple. This entailed deep meditative experiences along with mystical happenings between this group of people and this has resulted in the creation of these vigrahas that are installed at our Parashakthi Temple. To begin with, Lord Krishna in the form of Guruvayurappan was installed in the early part of this year. This was followed by Mahalakshmi in the form of Durga Mahalakshmi - Ashtalakshmi, which were installed in May of 2004. Mahalakshmi and Ashtalakshmi Vigrahas has been installed by the way of Yanthra Pratheeshta, which entails placement of Yanthras, Navrathna, and Ashtabandhana.


Yanthra Pratheeshta energizes the vigrahas to the fullest. The vibratory activities of these deities will then be in an intense form to grant wealth in its various aspects to the divine Mother’s devotees.

These vigrahas are made in a ritualistic manner by using various precious metals (pancha lokas) in proper proportions. This was done by Dr. Kumar and mystics in India with whom he works. These Vigrahas were made by the Sthapathies who make all vigrahas for the Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam. A great deal of meditative and mystical experiences have gone into the making of these Vigrahas and Yanthras. The Yanthras are made through ancient Vedic rituals by certain mystics who have given life to siddhi to the appropriate mantras to activate the yantras.

This Yanthra is kept in Dr. Kumar’s meditation room, and proper manthras in the way described by the Divine Mother have been performed along with various rituals which will help energize Yanthras before placing it during Yanthra Pratheeshta underneath the Vigrahas.

Placing Yanthras after giving life to proper manthras, which are associated with that particular Yanthra, brings divine vibratory energy to these Vigrahas. Precious stones are then placed on top of the yanthras, which stand on ashtabandhana and accentuates the divine vibratory energy so that the divine deity can reach lower vibratory realms in which we reside with greater densities.

The essence of spiritual evolution involves knowledge of reality, appreciation of reality - divinity, and demonstration of our own gratitude towards Divine Mother- Parashakthi for granting us wisdom and grace through which we evolve back to the Godhead.