551 W Kennett, Pontiac, Michigan 48340
Mar 25, 2025
K.Ekadasi till 18:15
Sravana till 18:19
Sun Rise/Set: 07:29/19:51
Rahu Kalam: 16:45-18:18
Yemaganda: 10:34-12:07
Gulikai Kalam: 13:40-15:12
*EST (Detroit, Michigan)
Temple Timings
Weekdays: 9am - noon & 5pm - 8:45pm; Weekends/Festivals: 9am-8:45pm

Sri Kalabhairava

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Lord Sri Kaala Bhairva has been installed at the Parashakthi temple on August 3rd, 2003. Lord Bhairva installation at the Parasakthi temple happened in a spiritually charged atmosphere with Dr. Kumar leading the chanting of the Kaala Bhairva Manthra. Special poojas are done on KRISHNAPAKSHA ASTAMI/ Rahu kaala of each month.

Lord Kaala Bhairava Gayathri Manthra [1]

Bhairavaya vidhmahe
Harihara bhrammathmikaya dheemahi
Thanno Bhairava prachodhayaath

Lord Sri Kaala Bhairava Gayathri Manthra [2]

Svana vaahanaya vidhmahe
Vadukanathaya dheemahi
Thanno Kaala Bhairava prachodhayaath


Lord Sri Kaala Bhairava is not a form of Lord Siva, but a form very closely associated and He is one of the powers assigned by the Lord to oversee the march of time. Therefore, Lord Bhairava would be having an abode naturally in all the Lord Siva temples. Kaasi (also known as Varanasi or Benares) is the much-renowned abode of Lord Bhairava, as He is the protector of that whole city - the holy land of the Lord Sri Visvanath. Sri Aadhi Sankaraacharya has sung a stothra in praise of Lord Kaala Bhairava of Kasi. (1)

As the saying goes, time lost is lost forever. There's nothing more precious than time. So intelligent humans should use every moment effectively on the spiritual path. And those want to do this have the divine help of Lord Sri Kaala Bhairava if they request it with sincerity. Those who tend to fritter away their time on many a trivial pursuit should pray sincerely to Lord Sri Kaala Bhairava if they want to improve their time management skills and if they want to make use of their time intelligently.

Lord Sri Kaala Bhairava is also known as Kshethrapaalaka, the guardian of the temple; it is customary to submit the keys of the temple to Lord Bhairava after the pujas are completed for the day and again to collect them from Him the next morning before the temple opening. Since He is the guardian deity, He is worshipped after any of the festivals at the temple. Lord Kaala Bhairava is also the guardian of travelers. The Siddhas advise us that before embarking on a journey, especially one that involves travel during the night, we should make a garland of cashew nuts and decorate Lord Sri Kaala Bhairava with it. We should light a jyothi (lamp) in His honor and request His protection during our travels.

The vaahana (vehicle) of Lord Sri Kaala Bhairava is the dog. Feeding and taking care of dogs is another way of showing our devotion to Lord Sri Kaala Bhairava. Kaala Bhairava Ashtami, which occurs in December/January is an important day for worshipping the Lord. The Bhairava shrine in the Arunachala temple is very special and the Kaala Bhairava temple in Kaasi is a must-see for Lord Bhairava devotees.

The Kaala Bhairava Ashtakam (hymn) venerates the Lord and is a staple of Bhairava devotees. May Lord Kaala Bhairava help us use our time effectively on the spiritual path!

According to Shaivam.org

Bhairava (kshetrapAla)

Bhairava is the guardian deity of the abode of God Siva. So he is called kshetra pAla. The term Bhairava means "Terrific". As the guardian of the abode of Lord, his form is very fierce, with ery many kinds of weapons, naked and decorated with a skull and having a smile on the face that threatens the wrongdoers and protects the devotees. He has a dog as his vehicle. So he is referred to as Shuna vAhana

Purana of the deity

When Lord Brahma and Sri Vishnu had an argument regarding who is the supreme, Lord Siva appeared as the column of fire between them. Lord Sri Kaala Bhairava cut off the fifth head of Lord Brahma that lied in ego and, having that skull of Lord Brahma as the bowl, Sri Bhairava took the blood of Sri Maha Vishnu in that. The two came to understand their mistake and worshipped Lord Siva.

God appointed Lord Bhairava to be the protector deity. He also appointed Him as the protector of the town Kaasi. Bhairava ensures that nobody misuses the belongings of Lord Siva and He is dreaded to punish and correct those who misuse the temple properties.

The Various Bhairava Murthis

  1. Kaalaa Bhairava
  2. Acithanga Bhairava
  3. Krodha Bhairava
  4. Kanda Bhairavar
  5. Unmattha Bhairava
  6. Kapaala Bhairava
  7. Vibhushana Bhairava
  8. Marthaanda Bhairava
  9. Suthandhira Bhairava
  10. SveccA Bhairava
  11. Loka Bhairava
  12. Ugra Bhairava
  13. Praccaiya Bhairva
  14. NinmANava Bhairava
  15. Bhushana Bhairava

This deity who appears terrific is the protector of the devotees. His valor gives courage to good people and deterrence to those who do the wrong things so that they get corrected.

Bhairava is Siva at his most terrifying, at his most fearful. He may be understood as a particular manifestation, or emanation of Siva, or as Siva displaying himself at a very high level. In some myths, Siva created Bhairava as an extension of himself, in order to chastise Brahma. Bhairava is the embodiment of fear, and it is said that those who meet him must confront the source of their own fears. His name describes the effect he has upon those who behold him, as it derives from the word 'bhiru,' which means to become fearful - of feeling great fear. In some sources, Bhairava himself is said to have eight manifestations, including Kala (black), Asitanga (with black limbs), Samhaara (destruction), Ruru (hound), Krodha (anger), Kapala (Skull), Rudra (storm) and Unmatta (raging). Dogs (particularly black dogs) were often considered the most appropriate form of sacrifice to Bhairava, and he is sometimes shown as holding a severed human head, with a dog waiting at one side, in order to catch the blood from the head.