551 W Kennett, Pontiac, Michigan 48340
Mar 25, 2025
K.Ekadasi till 18:15
Sravana till 18:19
Sun Rise/Set: 07:29/19:51
Rahu Kalam: 16:45-18:18
Yemaganda: 10:34-12:07
Gulikai Kalam: 13:40-15:12
*EST (Detroit, Michigan)
Temple Timings
Weekdays: 9am - noon & 5pm - 8:45pm; Weekends/Festivals: 9am-8:45pm

Sri Kubera Shivalinga

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Lord Sri Kubera Gayathri

Om Yaksharajaya Vidhmahe

Alakapuri Dheesaya Dheemahi

Tanno Kubera Prachothayaath

Lord Sri Kubera is an ancient deity mentioned in Rig Veda as the lord of wealth, health and material happiness. Sri Mahalakshmi is the creator and embodiment of health, wealth and happiness. Sri Kubera is given the status of a custodian, maintainer, and distributor of this wealth to the souls of the universe. In reality, our Divine Mother Parasakthi, who is the source of supreme eternal consciousness and creative energy, transcends to the level of various Gods and becomes the “creative aspects” of all of them in their transcendence from the highest to the lowest levels of creation. Our Divine Mother has instructed us to install this aspect of “Her” as Sri Kuberalingam at our temple, which is a very unique combination and Sri Sivalinga “aspect” of Her. The following facts will make us understand the Sri Kuberalingam aspect of our Divine Mother so that we can perceive this very important “Divine Energy” to receive the boons and blessings, which will be granted to us by the Divine Mother through Sri Kuberalingam.

Mythologically, Sri Kubera is the great-grandson of Brahma, the “creator,” who is the earthly creative aspect of The Divine Mother in the material world. Mother Parasakthi emanates as Sri Brahma, Sri Vishnu, and Sri Siva as Her main aspects, along with their respective creative energy consorts Sri Sarasvathi, Sri Mahalakshmi, and Sri Parvathi, who are all Her emanations. Sri Brahma’s first emanation as Rishi Pulathsya gives birth to Vaishravana from whom emanates Lord Sri Kubera with the specific purpose of maintaining and distributing all the wealth, created by Sri Mahalakshmi aspect of our Divine Mother. Lord Sri Kubera is connected to each of the Thirumurthis (Sri Bramha, Sri Vishnu, and Sri Siva)

Lord Sri Kubera is a great-grandson of Brahama and is Brahama's fourth emanation. From Sri Kuberas father Vaishravana emanates Rakshasas, who are the embodiment of the Asura aspect and demonic forms and Yakshas and Yakshinis who are angelical aspects and emanations from Brahama through Vaishravana. Sons of Vaishravana are the most powerful rakshas - great Asura namely, Ravana, Kumbahkarna, and Vibhishana. These three Asuras-powerful demonic aspects are one of the major participants described in the epic story Raamayana, where Lord Sri Raama destroys these demonic aspects of creation. Ravana is the half brother of Sri Kubera. Lord Sri Kubera was given Srilanka as his abode, from which Ravana the demon half brother of Lord Kubera, chases Lord Sri Kubera away and Sri Brahama grants Lord Sri Kubera the dominion over the northern part of the universe and gives Him the status of the protector of the northern direction of our world. The great Pushpaka Vimanam, the flying city with all its wealth, is given to Lord Sri Kubera as His vehicle. He was given the city of Alakapuri, the luxurious city in the north as his abode from where he distributes his wealth as he travels in His Pushpaka Vimanam.

His connection to Sri Mahalakshmi is that of a custodian and the distributor of all the wealth, health and happiness embodied by Sri Mahalakshmi. Lord Sri Kubera is dearest and closest to Sri Mahalakshmi and our Divine Mother as Sri Mahalakshmi gives the right to distribute all this wealth to the devotees to Lord Sri Kubera. Lord Sri Kubera is connected to Sri Maha Vishnu, represented by Lord Sri Venkateswara. Lord Sri Kubera grants all the material wealth needed for Lord Sri Venkateswara’s wedding or union with Sri Mahalakshmi as Mother Padmavathi. Mythologically, Lord Sri Venkataswara has to continue to pay the debt owed to Lord Sri Kubera. Symbolically, all the monies devotees give to Lord Sri Venkateswara is sent to Lord Sri Kubera as a payback. This mythological fact has a deep mystical significance.

Lord Sri Kubera is the closest companion to Lord Siva. By performing great penances, homa and austerities to The Divine Mother, Lord Sri Kubera was elevated by The Divine Mother to a very high level and Lord Sri Kubera felt He should take the place of Lord Siva. It is stated that Sri Kubera repeatedly attempts to reach Lord Siva’s status. Out of compassion, Lord Siva takes Him as His companion and makes Him one of His dearest. This again is a very symbolic representation of reality clouded by Maya. In our temple, The Divine Mother has granted us this unique combination of the distributor of Sri Mahalakshmi’s wealth, along with Lord Siva’s spiritual energy to be granted to us, Her devotees. This is a very rare combination, we are very fortunate and blessed to be chosen and given these aspects of The Divine Mother Parasakthi to be with us in this form and grant us all the material, wealth, health and happiness, along with spiritual ascension granted through Sivalinga. Very few places in the world have this combination manifested in their respective temples. Lord Sri Kubera is connected to all the three major Gods of Hindu Pantheon namely Sri Brahma, Sri Vishnu, and Lord Siva. Mother Parasakthi has blessed us to have this form of her in our temple. We will do our best to install it with proper rituals, manthras, yanthras-tanthric instructions from The Divine Mother along with proper homa and other necessary mystical instructions from “Her.” This will bring a lot of benefits, both materially and spiritually to us. Those of us who take part in this divine installation by our sacrifices and sponsorship will receive a million fold benefits depending on the degree of our sacrifices - “thanksgiving.” We are so blessed to be chosen to bring this aspect of Her to grant us immense material, spiritual wealth and benefits. Lord Sri Kubera’s puja is always called Sri Kubera-Lakshmi Puja since both are so closely connected. The planet Mercury is also connected to Lord Kubera by its control of the direction of the north. By this installation and pujas, Budha Graha (planet Mercury) will also bless us with wisdom and intellect. Since the beginning, “Yakshinis” have been very active at our temple performing miraculous acts and benefiting our congregation. We are so fortunate and blessed that The Divine Mother Parasakthi has granted us Lord Sri Kubera “the King” of Yakshas and Yakshinis to be with us so we can receive more of their blessings.

The Divine Mother has granted us a great boon by instructing us to install Sri Kubera Lingam. She directed me to meet a “yogi” at Thiru Annamalai. Thiru Annamalai is the most powerful Siva Peeta on earth like Kailash. It is a world-renowned temple for Lord Siva where Sakthi manifests as Thiru Annamalai. This wonderful yogi who blesses devotees at Sri Kubera Linga Peetam at Thiru Aannamali was already aware of The Divine Mother Parasakthi's wish and was more than happy and cooperative in the process of making the Kubera Lingam with all the mystical aspects. With great effort and sacrifices we were able to make this wonderful Kubera Lingam with all its “glory” and divine energy. This was accomplished through The Divine Mother Parasakthi’s blessing and kindness for our benefit.