551 W Kennett, Pontiac, Michigan 48340
Mar 25, 2025
K.Ekadasi till 18:15
Sravana till 18:19
Sun Rise/Set: 07:29/19:51
Rahu Kalam: 16:45-18:18
Yemaganda: 10:34-12:07
Gulikai Kalam: 13:40-15:12
*EST (Detroit, Michigan)
Temple Timings
Weekdays: 9am - noon & 5pm - 8:45pm; Weekends/Festivals: 9am-8:45pm

Sri Murugan

Click on the image to enlarge.

Lord Subrahmanya Gayathri

Om That Purushaya Vidhmahe

Maha Senaya Dheemahi

Thanno Shanmugha Prachothayaath

Lord Sri Muruga, the son of Lord Siva, and the younger brother of Lord Sri Ganesha is venerated as Kaliyuga Varada or the God who blesses and protects those who ardently seek His grace. Lord Sri Muruga contains in Himself the three divine eternal functions -- creation (srishti), protection (sthithi) and destruction (samhara/laya) as evidenced by the three first letters in His name: MU -- Mukundan (Vishnu), RU -- Rudra (Siva) and KA -- Kamalan (Brahma).


1. Lord Sri Karthikeya has been installed at the Parasakthi temple with His two Sakhtis, Devi Sri Valli and Devi Sri Deviyanni on October 19th, 1999, by a Vaidhika Yanthra Prathishta. The Navrathana stones and Yanthra made by Pujya Sri Guru Sarvajanopakari Dr. V.V. Swarna Venkatesa Deekshitar of Chidambaram.

The mandapam was completed on July 11th, 2000 and is made of black granite along with the Deity.

2. Utsava Moorthy installation of Sri Karthikeya-Valli-Devayani and Sri Bhogar Siddhar Vigraham was done between November 12th to 21st, 2004

Functions at the temple for Lord Sri Karthikeya

1. Vaikasi Vishakam (an annual function) - the first celebration was on June 3rd, 2001

2. Sri Skanda Sashti (an annual function) - the first celebration was between November 12th to 21st, 2004.

3. Krithika – celebrated every month

4. Thai Poosam

5. Masi Makham

6. Panguni Uthram


Vaikasi Visakham was held at the Parasakti temple in a grand manner this year on May 22, Sunday, 2005. The Utsava Murthies of Sri Karthikeya were installed at the Parashakti temple in November of 2004 on Sri Skanda Sashti (festival for Lord Sri Karthikeya). This was the first time that Sri Karthikeya Murthy with His two consorts Goddess Sri Valli and Goddess Sri Devayani, and Sri Siddhar Bhogar, were taken out in a chariot procession at the Parasakti temple grounds. This was a beautiful sunny morning and devotes chanted with a feverish devotion to the Lord.

The Parasakti temple has devotees from all backgrounds. Devotees who are American, Indian and many other origins have participated in the devotional worship of Lord Sri Karthikeya.

The highly energized Utsava Murthies were consecrated at Palani Temple by Dr. G.Krishna Kumar in an elaborate ceremony that is very unique. It is at the Palani Temple that Sri Siddhar Bhogar, who lived around the first century B.C. as one of the eighteen Siddhars and who was an expert in medicine prepared an amalgam of nine medicinal minerals in proper proportion, that gave life to the manthra. He made the idol of Moolavar (the main deity) from this amalgam. We are fortunate to have Sri Siddhar Bhogar at the Parasakti temple. Dr. Kumar explains that to reach the divine vibration is easier by praying to the saint who had given life to the Manthra for the deity. Sri Siddhar Bhogar gave life to Lord Sri Karthikeya manthra.

Chariot ride was followed by auction of devotional items by the devotees who wanted to perform fundraising activities. Following this, there were beautiful pujas and abhishekas for Lord Sri Karthikeya, Sri Valli and Sri Devayani, and Sri Siddhar Bhogar.

Each year at the Parasakthi temple all festivals for Lord Sri Karthikeya are celebrated in a grand manner. The temple celebrates Panguni Uthiram with a focus on children’s involvement in religion. The 2002 committee for Lord Sri Muruga established the inaugural Panguni Uthiram Celebrations for Lord Sri Muruga/Sri Karthikeya by focusing on the involvement of children in the Hindu religion. Panguni Uthiram festival occurs on the full moon day of the Tamil month Panguni (March-April). The festival commemorates celestial marriages including the marriage of Lord Sri Muruga to Goddess Theivanai.


Thai Poosam is a popular festival for Lord Sri Muruga/Sri Karthikeya. According to traditions, the javelin (vel) of Lord Sri Muruga used to fight Tharaka and the Asuras was presented to Him by His mother, Goddess Sri Paarvathi, on Thai Poosam day. The committee for Lord Sri Muruga’s functions organized the inaugural Thai Poosam celebrations on January 27th, 2002. Thai Poosam (Pushya) is a festival occurring in the Tamil month Thai (January-February), on the day of the star Poosam. There are several legends about the festival Thai Poosam. According to one legend, there was a demon named Tharakasura who gave significant disturbances and difficulties to the rishis and saints. Lord Sri Muruga was called by His parents Lord Siva and Sri Paarvathi and was given the job of destroying the Asura. With the blessings of His parents, he took with Him twelve weapons, eleven of which were given by Lord Siva and the 'Sakthi-Vel' given by Sri Devi Paarvathi. Lord Sri Muruga destroyed Tharakasura on the Poosam Nakshathra day in the Tamil month of Thai and hence Thai Poosam is celebrated in all Sri Murugan temples. It is thus a special day for worship of Lord Sri Muruga/Sri Subrahmanya/ Sri Karthikeya.

It is also a very special day for the glorification of Mother Paarvathi because Lord Sri Muruga Himself reveals the great glory of the Eternal Mother since His ability to achieve victory over Tharakasura was achieved through the Sakthi Vel given by Her. The manthra describing Lord Karthikeya's connection to The Divine Mother is revealed to Dr. Krishna Kumar Garu, who is the founder of the temple, in thuriya state during Kundalini meditation.

“Om ung rung Bhuvaneshwari vasika rahi, Saravana bhavan thanakku “Shakthivel “ eendha sarveshwari lokamatha adiyavargali munnindru kakka siva”