551 W Kennett, Pontiac, Michigan 48340
Mar 25, 2025
K.Ekadasi till 18:15
Sravana till 18:19
Sun Rise/Set: 07:29/19:51
Rahu Kalam: 16:45-18:18
Yemaganda: 10:34-12:07
Gulikai Kalam: 13:40-15:12
*EST (Detroit, Michigan)
Temple Timings
Weekdays: 9am - noon & 5pm - 8:45pm; Weekends/Festivals: 9am-8:45pm

Sri Radha Krishna with Sri Gomatha

Click on the image to enlarge.

Jagadhguru Sri Chaitanya Sampradaya Acharya Sri Purushottam Goswamiji Maharaj, a great mystic, Acharya, scholar and Jagadhguru and the presiding priest at Sri Radharamana Mandhir, Vrindhavan has glorified the Pontiac Parasakthi temple as the Bhakthi-Dhama in the West. He is the direct descendant of one of the six Goswamis. An energetic leader, Maharaj-Ji has established a thriving spiritual center in Vrindhavan on the spiritual traditions of those who worship Lord Sri Krishna and supports the Rasleela with their associated arts. According to Maharaj-Ji this Vrindhavan-Dhama at Parasakthi Temple, where bhakthi is dancing everywhere, “has re-manifested in this place in the West.“ Parasakthi Temple is the only place in the world with the direct manifestation of Lord Sri Krishna as Jagannath Ji (the child aspect of Lord Sri Krishna), Radha Krishna (the adult aspect of Lord Sri Krishna) and Sri Guruvayurappan (the elder form of Lord Sri Krishna).

Sri Radha Krishna Gayathri Manthra

Damodharaya vidmahe
Rukmini vallabhaya dheemahi
Thanno Sri Krishna prachodayath

A message from Dr. Krishna Kumar Garu:

We are greatly blessed by the Divine Mother, who has granted to us Sri Krishna Bhagavan, Radha Rani energized with Ashta Sakthis along with Mother Earth as Gomatha. When Mother wished to have Her Temple built to protect the world from great turmoil, which is to occur between the years 2000 through 2015, She manifested Herself as cosmic energy during my Kundalini “Thuriya” experience many years ago. Since then many significant events have happened and all of us are greatly blessed and protected by the Divine Mother. She manifested as various cosmic forces of the highest degrees, gave us all our Ishta Devathas, which are Her different divine aspects, so that we may enjoy and get the grace easily from different vibrations of the cosmic entities connected to the respective Ishta Devathas.

Sri Krishna Bhagavan is the most important deity for us in this Kali Yuga. The present installation of Sri Radha Krishna Ashta Sakthi Mandhir with Gomatha is profoundly significant due to the following reasons:

1. Krishna Bhagavan has already been installed as Lord Sri Jagannatha (child form) and as Lord Sri Guruvayurappan (elder form). This installation as Sri Krishna (adult form) with Radha Rani energized with Ashta Shakthis by Divine Mother, along with Gomatha will intensify our receptivity of Sri Krishna Bhagavan’s energy and grace. Our Temple will be the only place where all the three aspects namely Lord Sri Jagannatha, Lord Sri Guruvayurappan and Lord Sri Krishna were installed using Prana Prathistha at one location.

2. The Divine Mother has already energized the Nava Yoni Sakthi at our Temple at the Kubera Siva Linga Sannidhi. The presence of Sri Radha Rani, energized with Ashta Sakthi by the Divine Mother, is in turn connected to the Nava Yoni Sakthis will enhance and intensify our receptivity of their grace.

3. Sri Radha Rani also represents the essence and Bliss of Lord Sri Krishna. This essence, consciousness, and Bliss of Lord Sri Krishna is more significant for us in receiving the Lord’s grace and blessings.

4. Special ceremonies and consecrating of Utsava Murthies for Sri Radha Krishna and Gomatha will be performed at the Radha Ramana Temple at Vrindhavan, India by Paramapujya Jagadhguru Sri Caitanya Sampradaya Acharya Sri Purushottam Goswami Ji Maharaj (contemporary of Swami Ji Prabhupada Founder of ISKCON), and our Temple's Senior Priest – Sri Siddhanatha Gurukkal from May 6th to 8th at the same time the consecration ceremonies are underway of Moolavar Deities at our Temple.

5. I have to mention the significant role that Paramapujya Jagadhguru Sri Caitanya Sampradaya Acharya Sri Purushottam Goswami Ji Maharaj has played in my own spiritual evolution whom I met approximately 30 years ago under the Divine Mother’s guidance. He invited me to Kumbha Mela and took me the Triveni Sangham (confluence of three rivers) at 4:00 AM and performed special prayers. At that time, I became familiar with cosmic forces (Devathas). We are indeed blessed that our Divine Mother has involved Maharaj Ji to energize this installation.

6. The Vigrahas of Sri Radha Rani, Lord Sri Krishna, and Sri Gomatha have been present at the Temple for the past two years. This year – Sri Kara Nama Samvatsaram is the most suitable and auspicious time to receive the grace of Sri Gomatha and has been chosen by Divine Mother for the installation.

We are all very fortunate and blessed to have Divine Mother Parasakthi’s love, compassion, and grace. Please participate by showing your love, devotion, and reverence to the divine energies that are so actively present at our temple, and sponsor these events to the best of your abilities. In return, we will surely receive thousand-fold material and spiritual benefits from Sri Radha Krishna.