551 W Kennett, Pontiac, Michigan 48340
Mar 25, 2025
K.Ekadasi till 18:15
Sravana till 18:19
Sun Rise/Set: 07:29/19:51
Rahu Kalam: 16:45-18:18
Yemaganda: 10:34-12:07
Gulikai Kalam: 13:40-15:12
*EST (Detroit, Michigan)
Temple Timings
Weekdays: 9am - noon & 5pm - 8:45pm; Weekends/Festivals: 9am-8:45pm

Sri Saneeswara

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Sri Saneeswara Gayathri Manthra

Kaaka Dhvajaaya Vidhmahe
Khadga Hastaaya Dheemahi
Thanno Mandah Prachodhayaath

On June 25th, 2005, the Parashakthi temple held a ceremony to pray to Lord Saturn. The program started with a homa that started at 7:30 A.M and continued to 10:00 A.M It was a bright sunny day in Michigan. After the homa, the Abishekam was performed for Lord Saturn followed by Alankaram and Aarthi.
Dr. G. K. Kumar (founder, president and spiritual director of the Parashakthi Temple, explained to the devotees regarding the mystical significance of the day and the effects the planets would have on human beings in a scientific way. In the beginning, the universe was in a gaseous form. Following the big bang and many billion years later, the human form carries the imprint of different planets. Moon is closest to Earth and can affect human beings, but the moon’s transit is short and its effect is transient. He explained that when the moon imprints in human beings, they become disharmonious with the moon outside; similarly when Saturn imprint, they become disharmonious with the Saturn outside. The microcosm reacts to the effect of the macrocosm of the respective planet. Saturn, during certain positions, will become disharmonious with the Saturn imprint in the human body. Since Saturn moves slowly, the period of disharmony can last a long time. Depending on the natal chart some people go through 7.5 years of Sade Sani or 2.5 years of Kandaga Sani, or Ashtanga Sani. He also explained that people should not be afraid of the disharmonious nature that Saturn may bring because of its movement in a persons' natal chart. It is through this period, due to suffering given by the Saturn in a phenomenal world, that one turns towards God and grows spiritually. He also informed that in case you turn your vision towards questions like (1 - who you are; 2 – where did you come from; 3- why are you here on; 4 - where do you go from here) the effect of Saturn will be perceived differently and Saturn is then unable to harm the individual. Though the harm may be there the perception will make it different. Dr. Kumar mentioned that by praying to Saturn one can mitigate the suffering that may happen during this period; also by increasing their tolerance to suffering, one can minimize the impact of the suffering. In addition, he assured to not be afraid just because Saturn is in a certain disharmonious position in one's natal chart, as each the individuals' chart may have some better auspicious things like a good Dasa Buddhi and they will be protected from the severe effect of Saturn’s disharmony. So there are other mitigating and influencing factors in a persons' chart beside the Saturn placement. He also shared with us that he was quite concerned initially whether he should share the information with the devotees since the devotees may get too worried. He, however, felt compelled to share with the devotees so that devotees get prepared and be knowledgeable which will help them go through this difficult period. Even the Avathars cannot escape the effects of Saturn.
He narrated a story of a Rishi who asked his disciples not to come near him for 2½ years, as he was going to be in a disharmonious position with the Saturn, namely Ashtama Sani or Saturn in the 8th house of the zodiac. The disciples were very sad not to be with him for 2 ½ years. The saint prayed to Lord Siva and Lord Siva decreased the disharmonious period of Saturn from 2½ years to one day. However, during that one day, he was in the mountains praying and was caught by the king’s army while meditating. A thief running from the king’s palace had left his jewels around him. The Rishi was taken to the king’s palace and was tortured by having his limbs cut off for his alleged crime. After one day of such torture, Lord Siva protected him the next day and restored him to the whole body. The moral of the story is that it is better to go through Saturn’s effect for a longer period of time than to increase its intensity within one day.
He also informed the devotees that they must take some pain in serving the divine. He referred to an old proverb “no pain, no gain.” One must serve the divine, take an effort and serve the divinity in many different ways to make spiritual progress. He also referred to the fact that giving away something dear to them is important as well.
He also taught them that in the end, do not worry about the planets (as you have placed the planets yourself). This was a very big philosophical teaching. He told them that at the end of the life (after death) their pure spirit (Atman), judges it’s actions during its recent lifetime that it has led. It realizes its deficiencies, looks to improve these deficiencies in the next lifetime, decides its environment and the parents it would come to so that it can improve its deficiencies. He reported as a pure spirit you become a part of the divine, and you become the jury, the judge, the prosecutor, and the defendant and you decide what timing to come into earth and where those planets would be placed at the time of birth so that the planets act as (modus operandi) for giving you certain kind of challenges and so that your true spirit evolves. He referred to the fact God will not give you any burden that you cannot handle.
After his inspiring talk devotees shared their heartfelt feelings that his talk aroused in them and gave him their gratitude, which as usual he informed devotees, give gratitude to divine since he is just a “mail carrier” (postman). He has delivered them the mail, but all of it comes from the divine.
Lord Saturn (Saneeswara, Saneeschara, or Sani Deva) is the most powerful planet affecting the life of every living thing. He is the only planet who has the suffix EESWARA attached to His name. Devotees should visit Lord Saneeswara temples and do special Pooja to please Him and get relief from their sufferings. Lord Saneeswara is reputed to be both, a giver and a destroyer. A person who prays to Him regularly will be blessed with not only with riddance from their problems and worries, but a life that one desires.
Lord Saturn is the planet of responsibility and symbolizes the ethic of hard work. Under its influence, a person's character is strengthened through trial and difficulty. It has been said that Saturn disciplines us until we can learn to discipline ourselves. In astrology, Saturn is the planet of diligence, self-control, and limitation. Its domain is patience, stability, maturity, and realism. Its influence is stern and restrictive, cold and severe. Saturn is called the Celestial Taskmaster, for it teaches us the lessons we must learn in life. In the grand plan of the universe, Saturn does not give us more than we can handle. Under Saturn's influence, we achieve by overcoming obstacles and hardships. Sometimes the effort itself is the reward, for the effort is what builds character. In the end, what we learn under Saturn's influence, we keep for the rest of our lives. Saturn's position in your Horoscope indicates how well you accept responsibility, whether you are self-disciplined, and what delays and opposition you can expect to encounter. When its influence is prominent you tend to be reliable, trustworthy and patient. Saturn gives the power to endure and provides the tenacity and perseverance to realize one's potential. Saturn's effect is to delay rewards until they are earned. It is the planet of courage, steadfastness, and integrity. Many people shrink at the thought of accepting its burdens, but Saturn is not to be feared. If you look into your past, you will probably see that you have achieved lasting strength and satisfaction from triumphing over obstacles.
As a negative influence, Saturn can make a person overly ambitious, calculating and selfish, solitary, inhibited and unhappy. Its negative influence is associated with inflexibility, cruelty, humourlessness, and pessimism. Saturn also represents illness, handicaps, and misfortune. Saturn is our destiny. It rules fate, the things we cannot escape, and the payment we must make for what we receive.
Lord Saneeswara resides in each Raasi for a period of 2 1/2 years. When He resides in the 12th, 1st and 2nd houses from the Janma Raasi, it is 7 1/2 Naattu Sani; when in the 4th house, it is Ardhashtama Sani; when in the 8th house, it is Ashtama Sani. During these periods, He troubles the affected individual.
In a person's life, 7 1/2 Naattu Sani may aspect three times, the first called Mangu Sani, the second called Pongu Sani and the third called Marana Sani.
7 ½ Nattu Sani (SADE SATI)
Mithuna (Gemini) Raasi: Mrigaseersha ( 3 rd and 4th Pada), Thiruvathira ( all 4 Pada), Punartham (1,2, 3 pada ) have 2.5 more years of 7.5 year Sani. This is the last 2.5 yr phase of the 7 ½ yr Sani which began for them 5 years ago.
Karkataka (Cancer) Raasi: Punartham (4th pada), all four pada of Poosam and Ayilyam: They have 5 more years of the 7 ½ year Sani which began 2 ½ yrs ago.
Simha (Leo) Raasi: Makham, Pooram (all padas in both cases), and Uthram (Ist pada) have 7.5 more years (Full term) of 7.5 year Sani which begins from May 25.
Each Nakshathra has 4 equal parts called Padas. The pada in which you were born determines your Raasi. For example, Krithika with the 1st Pada belongs to Mesha Raasi. Krithika with 2nd, 3rd or 4th Pada belongs to Vrishabha Raasi. In the following chart, Raasis are shown in bold and Nakshathra Padas are shown in parenthesis. If there is nothing in parenthesis then, it means all 4 padas are affected. To be accurate about your Raasi, you need to know your Nakshathra and the Pada within the Nakshathra you were born
Poorattathi (4)
Krithika (1) Vrishabha
Krithika (2,3,4)
Mrigaseersha(1,2) Mithuna
SANI 2.5 Yrs
Avittam (3,4)
Poorattathi (1,2,3)     Kataka
Punartham (4)
SANI 5 Yrs
Uthradam (2,3,4)
Avittam (1,2)    Simha
Uthram (1)
SANI 7.5 Yrs  
Uthradam (1) Vrischika
Vishakam (4)
Kettai Thula
Chithra (3,4)
Vishakam (1,2,3) Kanya
Uthram (2,3,4) Hastham
Chithra (1,2)

Kandaka Sani

Count the number of Raasi columns from your Janma (Birth) Raasi and if Lord Saneeswara is located in the 4th, 7th, or 10th house from your Raasi then, you are affected by Kandaka Sani. As of May 25th, 2005, when Saturn transits into Karkataka (Cancer), all those in Mesha Raasi, Makara Raasi, and Thula Raasi (see chart above) will be undergoing Kandaka Sani for 2 ½ years. However, people born in Makara Raasi will not feel the effects of Kandaka Sani since Makara Raasi is lorded over by Lord Saneeswara.


Count the number of Raasi columns from your Janma Raasi (your birth Raasi) and if Lord Saneeswara is located in the 8th house from your Raasi (see chart above) then, you are affected by Ashtama Sani. As of May 25th, 2005, when Saturn transits into Karkataka (Cancer), all those in Dhanur Raasi ( Moolam 1-4, Pooradam 1-4, and Uthradam Ist pada) will be undergoing Ashtama Sani for 2 ½ years. During Ashtama Sani, people undergo difficulties and unpleasantness which will transcend the persona and benefit the soul if the persons conduct life in a spiritual way by performing spiritual Navagraha puja ceremonies at the home of the Divine Mother and in Her divine presence.


The transit of Sani into Kandaka Sani, Ashtama Sani, 7 ½ year Sani and Sani Dasa do not seriously affect the following:
Persons who were born in Makara and Kumbha Raasis. That means persons having their birth star as the last three-quarters of Uttarashaada (Uthraadam), Shravana (Tiruvonam), Dhanishta (Avittam), Shatabhishak (Chatayam), and the first three-quarters of Poorvabhadrapaada (Poororuttati). This is because Saturn is the Lord of Makara and Kumbha Raasis and protects those born in these Raasis even if they are undergoing 7 1/2 yr Sani, Khandaka Sani or Ashtama Sani. However, by worshipping him, they get greater protection. Those who are having Makaram and Kumbha as Lagnas again because Makaram and Kumbha are Lorded by Saneeswara.


Saturn comes into the life of each and every person some time or other, depending upon the horoscope at the time of one's birth. So everyone should worship Him. For the following categories of people it is all the more essential to worship Him:
Those who are having the Saturn Dasa running. Its period is 19 years. Those who were born in the 'Poosham, Anusham and Uttirattati'Nakshatras, will have their first Dasa as 'Sani'.
Those undergoing the 7 ½ year Sani.
Those who are having Sani as Neecham in Mesham.
Those that are having Sani in the 4th, 7th, 10th (Kandaka) and 8th houses (Ashtama) from Raasi.
The above basically illustrates that all of us are under the influence of Saneeswara some time or other to varying degrees and worshipping him benefits the devotee.
More on Lord Saneeswara

Puranic Manthra
Neelaanjana Samaabhaasam
Raviputram Yamaagrajam
Chhaayaa Maarthaanda Sambhootham
Tham Namaami Sanaishcharam

Vedic Manthra
Om Sham No Deveer Abhishtaya
Aapo Bhavantu Peetaye
Sham Yorabhi Sravantu Nah

Sri Saneeswara Gayathri Manthra
Kaaka Dhvajaaya Vidhmahe
Khadga Hastaaya Dheemahi
Thanno Mandah Prachodayaath

Alternate Gayathri Manthra
Sanaicharaya vidhmahe
Chhaya putraya dheemahe
Thanno mantha Prachodayath

Worshipping Lord Saneeswara

Do Navagraha Pradakshinam (circum-ambulating) in the Temple especially on Saturdays
Do Navagraha Abhishekam, Archana and Navagraha Homam
Feed Crows at home if possible
Light Gingelly (sesame seed) Oil lamps in Navagraha Sannidhi
Chant Manthras as given above
Offer rice with sesame seeds, jaggery and sesame seed oil as Prasadham
Fast on Saturdays
Worshipping Lord Sri Hanuman and Sri Kala Bhairava: Lord Sri Hanuman is said to have captured Lord Saturn at one time and extracted a promise from Him that He (Saturn) will not harm any of Hanuman’s devotees. Lord Sri Hanuman also represents both Lord Siva and his consort Sakthi and so worshipping Him is like worshipping Siva-Sakthi. Similarly, worship Sri Kala Bhairava since He controls Kaala (time).


Devotees may perform any or all of the above types of worshipping at our Temple. Sri Saneeswara Manthra will be posted in the Temple Navagraha Sannidhi room walls for your benefit. You can buy a ticket for lighting the sesame oil lamp - the lamps will be provided for you when you purchase the tickets ($5). Please do not bring your own lamps etc from home. We need your financial support to maintain and upkeep the Navagraha Sannidhi. Please contact the priests for performing all other types of Puja. Sri Hanuman Puja is being conducted every Thursday at 7:00 pm in the Temple and so please plan to attend this Puja. Please contact our priests for performing/sponsoring Puja and for performing Pariharam.

Saturn Transits from 2005 – 2027

05/25/2005 18:54 Sa enters Cancer (Karkataka)
10/31/2006 17:45 Sa enters Leo (Simha)
01/10/2007 04:30 Sa enters Cancer (Karkataka)
07/15/2007 16:16 Sa enters Leo (Simha)
09/09/2009 11:31 Sa enters Virgo (Kanya)
11/14/2011 20:42 Sa enters Libra (Thulaa)
05/15/2012 17:01 Sa enters Virgo (Kanya)
08/03/2012 19:19 Sa enters Libra (Thulaa)
11/02/2014 07:25 Sa enters Scorpio (Vrischikam)
01/26/2017 06:01 Sa enters Sagittarius (Dhanur)
06/20/2017 15:07 Sa enters Scorpio (Vrischikam)
10/26/2017 01:58 Sa enters Sagittarius (Dhanur)
01/23/2020 20:26 Sa enters Capricorn (Makaram)
04/28/2022 18:24 Sa enters Aquarius (Kumbha)
07/12/2022 01:16 Sa enters Capricorn (Makaram)
01/17/2023 04:34 Sa enters Aquarius (Kumbham)
03/29/2025 08:15 Sa enters Pisces (Meenam)
06/02/2027 15:58 Sa enters Aries (Mesham)
10/19/2027 17:40 Sa enters Pisces (Meenam)