551 W Kennett, Pontiac, Michigan 48340
Mar 25, 2025
K.Ekadasi till 18:15
Sravana till 18:19
Sun Rise/Set: 07:29/19:51
Rahu Kalam: 16:45-18:18
Yemaganda: 10:34-12:07
Gulikai Kalam: 13:40-15:12
*EST (Detroit, Michigan)
Temple Timings
Weekdays: 9am - noon & 5pm - 8:45pm; Weekends/Festivals: 9am-8:45pm

Shani Peyarchi / Saturn Transit
Saturday, 29 Mar 2025

The Significance of Shani Peryarchi / Saturn Transits

Saturn Transits from Aquarius to Pisces on March 29th, 2025 according to the Thiruganitha/Drik Panchangam.

On 29th March at 9:30 AM our Temple will perform at Shanischara Kalasha puja followed by Mahabhishekam and Swarna (Gold) Kavacha Dharanam, Archana and Aarthi.

Saturn (Shaneeswara, Saneschara, Shani & Sani) is the most powerful planet affecting the life of every living thing and even the Gods and is intensely manifest at Parashakthi Temple. He is called Mandha (slow one) also called Sanischara (one who moves slowly) also called Saneeswara (The god who is Saturn). He is the only planet who has the suffix ISHWARA attached to his name. Saneeswara is reputed to be both, a giver and a destroyer. A person who prays to Saneeswara regularly will be blessed with not only riddance from the problems and worries faced, but a life that one desires.

Lord Surya was married to Sanjana (sometimes called Saranya), the daughter of Vishwakarma (the divine architect). Sanjana was not able to tolerate the heat and brightness of Lord Surya. She therefore leaves her shadow Chaya in her place and goes away to do penance. Shani was born to Lord Surya, and Chaya, the goddess of shadows.

Lord Shaneeswara is described as the lord of justice. His task is to give us the fruits of our karma (past deeds), both good and the bad. As such he is a neutral planet and is impartial (not even the gods escape from his justice). What we experience during each of his transits are the results of our own past karma. His impartial and unwavering nature makes it very difficult to appease him, as justice is above all for him.

He rules the planet Saturn and the weekday Saturday and is one of the nine primary celestial bodies (Navgrahas) of the Universe. Shani Amavasya or Shanishchara Jayanti is dedicated to the Birthday of Lord Shani. It is observed on Vaishak Vadya Chaturdasi Amavasya. Shanishchara Jayanti or Shani Amavasya is considered a divine day to worship Lord Shani. It is considered very auspicious to worship Lord Shiva (Lord Sani is an ardent devotee of Lord Siva and also Lord Siva is considered to be the guru of Lord Sani), Lord Hanuman and Lord Ganesha along with Lord Shani on this auspicious day. It is said that when Lord Hanuman reached Lanka in search of Lord Sri Ram’s wife Sita, he released the Navagraha who were imprisoned by the lord of Lanka, Ravan. In return Lord Sani promises Lord Hanuman that he will not be malefic towards the devotees of Lord Hanuman.

Lord Shani teaches us the importance of discipline to succeed in life. Having consistency is something that is highly beneficial to keep negative influence in check.

Saturn Transit Chart
Saturn transit from Kumbham (Aquarius) to Meen Rashi (Pisces). When Saturn moves to Meen Rashi (Pisces), it slightly reduces its negative effect.

These Saturn transit predictions are based on Moon Signs and are very general in nature and result. The actual results depend on individual’s running dasha and other major factors in horoscope.

In General, Saturn give good results in 3rd ,5th, 6th, 9th, 10th and 11th house. A multitude of factors will affect the final outcome of the prediction, and for accurate predictions on your horoscope please talk to our Priest or your astrologer.

There are 4 major types of Sani influences. They are 7.5 Nattu Sani (Saade Saath), Kantaka Sani (7th house), Ashtama Sani (8th house), and Arthastama Sani (4th house).

Saturn is considered bad in 12th, 1st and 2nd signs from Moon Sign, which corresponds to the 7 1⁄2-year period of Shani. When Saturn is in the 4th, 7th and 8th house (according to moon sign), it can cause problems for 2.5 years each. 8th house Saturn (Ashtama Sani) is more severe as it affects career, family, finance and children / education issues simultaneously within 2.5 years and 4th and 7th house Saturn is less severe, yet it can cause career, health and mental worries.

Benefited Rashis from Saturn Transit
  • Most Benefited: Makaram (Capricorn), Thulam (Libra) and Vrishabha Rashi (Taurus)
  • Moderately Benefited: Virchigam (Scorpio), Karka Rashi (Cancer) and Midhunam (Gemini)

Parihara Rashis/ majorly affected by this transit
  • 7.5 Nattu Sani (Saade Saath): Kumbham (Aquarius), Meen Rashi (Pisces) and Mesham (Aries)
  • Ashtama Sani: Simham (Leo)
Parihara Rashis/ Moderately affected by this transit
  • Arthastama Sani: Dhanu Rashi (Sagittarius)
  • Kantaka Sani: Kanya Rashi (Virgo)

Chant the Shanishchara GAYATHRI MANTHRA
Kaaka Dhvajaaya Vidhmahe
Khadga Hastaaya Dheemahi
Thanno Mandah Prachodhayaath

Performing Saturn transit homam on Saturn transit day at Parashakthi temple will assuage any adverse impact of the Saturn transit and invoke blessings.

Consider participating in the Navagraha Abhishakam and sponsoring Gold Kavacham for Saturn on Saturdays and Shani Amavasya/Shani Jayanti at Parashakthi temple to remove malefic effects of Saturn.

All Devotees will benefit by sponsoring and participating in the Saturn transit Homam and Parihara Puja.

Program Details

9:30 AM Sri Shani Peyarchi Kalasha Puja followed by Mahabhishekam & Swarna Kavacha dhanam for Shanaischara Bhagavan

Other Programs:
Day 1 - Vasantha Navarathri and Ugadi

8:00 AM Sri Kanaka Durga Devi Alankara Darshanam followed by Sri Shivalinga Abhishekam
8:15 AM Special Aradhanam for Sri Venkateswaraswany 
8:45 AM Sri Mahaganapathi Puja followed by Sri Chandi Kalasha Puja Sri Durga Sapthashathi Parayanam / Japam
6:30 PM Sri Kanni Moola Mahaganapathi along with Sri Devi Parshakthi Utsava Moorthy Abhishekam followed by Swarna (Gold) Kavacha Dharanam
7:30 PM Sri Devi Khadgamala Naamaavali Kumkumaarchana and Aarathi
7:30 PM Sri Hanuman Chalisa chanting

*Ugadi Pacchadi and Mahaprasadam will be served after Arathi


Kalasha Puja
Svarna Kavacha Dhaaranam
Neivedhyam (each day) (Mor or Eve)