551 W Kennett, Pontiac, Michigan 48340
Feb 21, 2025
K.Ashtami till 01:27
then K.Navami
Anuraadha till 05:23
Sun Rise/Set: 07:22/18:12
Rahu Kalam: 11:26-12:47
Yemaganda: 15:30-16:51
Gulikai Kalam: 08:43-10:05
*EST (Detroit, Michigan)
Temple Timings
Weekdays: 9am - noon & 5pm - 8:45pm; Weekends/Festivals: 9am-8:45pm

Maha Shivarathri
Tuesday, 25 Feb 2025

The Significance of Maha Shivarathri

Maha Shivarathri is celebrated on the fourteenth day of the Krishna Paksha of the month of Magh or on the Chaturdashi of the Krishna Paksha of the month of Magh. Both these dates fall on the same day.

According to the Puranas on this day, Lord Shiva saved the humankind by consuming the poison that spilled out when the devas and asuras churned the milky ocean to obtain the nectar of immortality. Another story elaborates that once there was a dispute between Brahma and Vishnu as to who is the greatest among the three (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva). In order to solve this issue Lord Shiva becomes a Jothy (light) and requests Brahma and Vishnu to find the origin and the end of the Jothy. Brahma and Vishnu were unable to find the origin and the end of the Jothy and thus understood that Lord Shiva was the greatest.

In Vedic Astrology, Shiva is connected to the planet Saturn and Maha Shivarathri is always celebrated in the time of year when the sun passes through Saturn ruled Capricorn and Aquarius. When the moon is in it is final waning phase (just before it reaches new) it also passes under Saturn’s rulership. These favorable constellations make it an auspicious time for meditation, spiritual growth and material attainment.

Chanting Vedic mantras brings purity to the environment by increasing positivity and destroying bad karmas. A celebration dawns within nature. Staying awake and meditating on Lord Shiva is very auspicious and brings tremendous blessings. Since the effect of chanting these mantras are greatest on this day, Rudraabhishekam and other Rudra Mantra Chanting have been performed during the five kala pujas for thousands of years.

Sri Rudra Homam and five Kala Puja will be performed along with Rajatha Bilva Archana, Rudram & Chamakam chanting, Sri Himalinga Puja (Ice Lingam), Sri Deepalinga Puja (12 Deepam represents 12 Jyotirlingams) and 108 Sankha Puja followed by 108 Sankha Abhishekam for Sri Shivalinga. Also energized Spatika Lingam will be available for the sponsors.  

Please participate on this auspicious occasion and receive the Grace of Lord Shiva Bhagawan, Sri Saneeshwara Bhagawan, Sri Chandra Bhagawan (Moon) and Lord Sri Surya Bhagawan.
Sri Rameswara Lingam Installation

Lord Shiva is present as Kubera Shiva Lingam at the Parashakthi temple. Years ago, when consecrate Prayogam (Yoga Vaidya) using Mantra, Thanthira and Yanira, divine mother Parashakthi instructed Dr. Krishnakumar (temple founder) that after defeating Ravana, Sri Ram was afflicted by Brahmahathi Dosham. To atone for the sin of the Brahmahathi Dosham, Ram prayed to Lord Shiva. Thus, Rama made a Shiva Lingam (the Ramalingam), Seetha made a Shiva Lingam (the Seetha lingam) and Lord Hanuman brought one Shivalinga from Himalayas, namely the Vishvalingam. Sri Rama established these 3 lingams and performed pooja to get rid of Brahmahathya dosham at Rameswaram. Dr. Krishnakumar is bringing three energized Shiva Lingams from Rameswaram (Iswara installed by Rama) to install along with the already present Kubera Shiva Lingam in order to bring great spiritual benefit and create mighty energy to bless and sanctity our temple with auspiciousness of Rameswaram.
Devotees are encouraged to sponsor the above Shiva Lingams (Rameswaram lingams) on this auspicious day to gain spiritual liberation and attain Salvation.

CLICK HERE to sponsor for Sri Rameswara Lingam Deity or Sannidhanam

Program Details:

1st Kaalam (9:00 AM to 12:00 PM)
Special Sri Maha Sudarshana Homam for Shravan Star
(Very auspicious day with Shravan Star (Vishnu aspect) on Maha Shivarathri)
9:00 AM Sri Shiva Abhishekam
10:05 AM Ganapathy pooja, Ekadasha Rudra Kalasa pooja followed by Sri Rudra Homam along with Sravanam Star Sri Hayagriva Sri Venkateswara & Sri Maha Sudarshana Moola Mantra Homam, Poornahuthi followed by Shiva Linga Abhishekam

2nd Kaalam (12 PM)
5:00 PM Sri Ganapathy Puja followed by Mahanyasam followed by Sri Rudra Kramaarchana

3rd Kaalam (7:00 PM to 11:00 PM)
7:00 PM Ekadasha Rudra Abhishekam for Sri Somasundara Lingeswaraswamy, Sri Rudram & Chamakam Chanting by a group of devotees along with priests and Abhishekam by Priests. Simultaneously, devotees themselves can also perform Abhishekam of another Bhaktha Shiva Lingam placed Inside the temple
7:30 PM Hima Linga pooja (Ice Lingam - Near raja gopuram)
8:00 PM Deepa(108) Linga Pooja (Front of Amman Sannidhi) followed by Arathi Hima Linga Pooja and Deepa Jyothir Linga Pooja will take place during time specified when the Ekadasa Rudra Abhishekam is still going on
10:30 PM Bhajans

4th Kaalam (11:00 PM to Midnight)
11:30 PM  108 Sankha Puja followed by 108 Sankha Abhishekam for Sri Shivalinga
12:00 AM  Midnight Aarathi

5th Kaalam - Saturday, March 9th (9:30 AM)
9:30 AM Sri Shivalinga & Sri Radhakrishna Abhishekam

Whole day event sponsor - Devotees will receive Energized Sri Kalabairavar Statue, Sankalpam for 5 Kaala Abhishekam along with Vibhuthi, Kumkuma & Prasadam
* Additional Shipping charges for the Statue $25 within US and for out of country please call the Temple.
** To know more about the Statue, please contact Temple office @ 248-322-4731


Whole Event
Sri Kaalabhairavar Statue
Abhishekam (Each Kaala)
Bilva Leaves Pooja
Ice Lingam Pooja
Rudra Puja