551 W Kennett, Pontiac, Michigan 48340
Mar 25, 2025
K.Ekadasi till 18:15
Sravana till 18:19
Sun Rise/Set: 07:29/19:51
Rahu Kalam: 16:45-18:18
Yemaganda: 10:34-12:07
Gulikai Kalam: 13:40-15:12
*EST (Detroit, Michigan)
Temple Timings
Weekdays: 9am - noon & 5pm - 8:45pm; Weekends/Festivals: 9am-8:45pm

Vasantha Navarathri Celebrations 2025
Saturday, 29 Mar 2025 - Sunday, 06 Apr 2025


The Significance of Vasantha Navarathri

Navarathri celebrated in the month of Chaitra (March-April) is called the Vasantha Navarathri/ Chaitra Navarathri and the other celebrated in the month of Ashwin (September-October) is called the Sharad Navarathri. These are associated with significant seasonal changes when Nature becomes lush and colorful with fruits and blooms. Rama Navami, the birthday of Lord Rama usually falls on the ninth day during Navarathri festivity. Thus, Vasantha Navarathri /Chaitra Navarathri is also known as Rama Navarathri.

Vasantha Navarathri also celebrates the Hindu deity Kamadeva and his consort Rati, the god and goddess of Love. Rati is one of the daughters of Prajapati Daksha and she is the sister of Goddess Sati, the wife of Lord Shiva. Manmatha also known as Kama-Deva is Heavenly God of Love. He is not only responsible for love between Humans but also the Love between Man and Divine. Kama means "desire" or "longing" and Deva means Heavenly or Divine. Hence Kama-Deva means Desire or Longing for Divine Love. Lord Vasantha is a companion of Lord Manmatha and heralds the arrival of Spring.

Vasantha Navarathri begins with first of Shukla Paksha in Chaitra, the first month of the Hindu calendar. Brahma Purana states that Brahma started the creation of the world from Chaitra Pratipada. Also, the calendar of the Hindu New Year begins to be counted from the Chaitra Navarathri.

It is believed that Devi Durga descended on the first day of Chaitra Navarathri and Brahma started the creation of the universe at the behest of Mother Durga. It is also believed that on the third day of Vasantha Navarathri, Lord Vishnu took the first incarnation in the form of Matsya and established the earth. During the Vasantha Navarathri, the Kalash is installed and the monolithic flame is lit for nine days and Durga Saptashati is recited regularly.

Rajagopuram at Parashakthi Temple will be the abode of Lord Manmatha, Rathi (Love), Prathi (Delight) and her consort Vasantha. Devotees of the Temple are so fortunate to be able to receive his blessings, grace and benefit.
It is believed that those worshiping Kamadeva, Rati, Prathi (Delight) and her consort Lord Vasantha on Vasantha Navarathri will be blessed with Love and Harmony in Family relationships including couples, Parents, and children etc.

The Significance of Chandi Homam

A Chandi Homam is an ultimate prayer to Devi Chandi which can be extraordinarily beneficial to us for removing all kinds of Obstacles and help us achieve our goal in life by clearing all our problems in life as per Ancient Vedic Texts. Chandi is a very fierce and powerful deity – She is the primordial energy that is responsible for the creation, sustenance and destruction of this entire universe. She is the sum total of the energies of all beings of this universe. By performing the Maha Chandi Homa, one can become free of evil eyes, curses, obstacles and they are also blessed with a lasting health, wealth and prosperity. By performing the homa five times, evil planetary influences are removed. The performance of this homa seven times removes all fears, performance eleven times begets royal influence and sixteen times begets progeny.

The Main procedure of the Chandi Homam involves an entire recitation of the Durga Saptashati for 9 times and a Homam is performed with the 10th path of Durga Saptashati. The Durga Saptashati contains 700 secret and powerful mantras in 13 chapters and they are split in to 535 full verses (Containing 4 padas), 66 Verses (containing 3 padas), 42 half verses (containing 2 padas) and 57 small words like “Uvaacha” (said). These 700 secret and powerful mantras are recited in praise of Goddess Chandi(Durga) in which she defeats various demons. The Durga Saptashati narrates the three tales of Sri Chandika fighting and destroying the evil forces in the forms of Madhu, Kaithabha, Mahishasura and Shumbha & Nishumbha. With recital of each of the 700 slokas, an "Ahuti" ( Offering ) is made to the Sacrificial Sacred Fire seeking the blessings of Devi Chandi and the Chandi mantra "Aim ! Hrim ! Klim ! Chamundaye ! Vichhe !!!" is chanted.

Gain the blessing of the supreme primordial Goddess with the divine technique of Chandi Homa.

Program Details

(Saree Color)
Day 1


 Ugadi Celebration
 Sri Kanaka
Durga Devi

 (Light Red Saree)

8:00 AM Sri Kanaka Durga Devi Alankara Darshanam followed by Sri Shivalinga Abhishekam
8:15 AM Special Aradhanam for Sri Venkateswaraswany
8:45 AM Sri Mahaganapathi Puja followed by Sri Chandi Kalasha Puja Sri Durga Sapthashathi Parayanam / Japam
9:30 AM Sri Shani Peyarchi Shanthi Puja followed by Mahabhishekam & Swarna Kavacha Dharanam for Shanaischara Bhagavan 
6:30 PM
Sri Kanni Moola Mahaganapathi along with Sri Devi Parshakthi Utsava Moorthy Abhishekam followed by Swarna (Gold) Kavacha Dharanam
7:30 PM Sri Devi Khadgamala Naamaavali Kumkumaarchana and Aarathi

*Ugadi Pacchadi will be served after Arathi
Day 2


Maha Chandi Homam
Sri Akhilandeswari
 (Multicolor Saree)

7:30 AM Shivalinga Abhishekam followed by Ayyappa Archana
8:00 AM Maha Chandi Kalasha Puja followed by Maha Chandi Homam, Vatuka Bhairava Puja, Kannika Puja, Suvasini Puja, Dampathi Puja & Sri Bhairava Bali
1:00 PM Maha Poornahuthi followed by Sri Devi Maha Mariamman Mahaabhishekam
2:30 PM Sri Jagannathapuja
6:30 PM Sri Akhilandeswari Mahalankaara Darshanam followed by Sri Devi Khadgamala Archana

 Day 3


9:30 AM Sri Shivalinga Abhishekam
9:30 AM Sri Chandi Kalasha Puja Sri Durga Sapthashathi Parayanam / Japam
7:00 PM Sri Somasundara Shivalinga Abhishekam followed by Sri Devi Khadgamala archana
 Day 4


Sri Kodungallur Bhagavathi
 (Gold or Green)

9:30 AM Shukla Paksha Chaturthi & Krittigai star Sri Shivalinga Abhishekam along with Sri Veera Ganapathy & Bala Subrahmanya Swamy
9:30 AM Sri Chandi Kalasha Puja Sri Durga Sapthashathi Parayanam / Japam
6:30 PM Sri Kodungallur Bhagavathi Mahalankaara Darshanam (Maha Maari Sannidhi) followed by Sri Mahalakshmi Kumkumarchana

 Day 5



9:30 AM Sri Shivalinga & Sri Radhakrishna Abhishekam
9:30 AM Sri Chandi Kalasha Puja Sri Durga Sapthashathi Parayanam / Japam
6:30 PM Sri Mahalashmi Kumkumarchana for Sri Devi Maha Maariamman
7:00 PM Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam Chanting Followed by Archana
 Day 6


9:30 AM Sri Shivalinga Abhishekam
9:30 AM Sri Chandi Kalasha Puja Sri Durga Sapthashathi Parayanam / Japam
6:30 PM Sri Mahalashmi Kumkumarchana for Sri Devi Maha Maariamman 
7:00 PM
Sri Guruvayurappan Abhishekam followed by Sri Hanuman Chalisa Chanting & Narayaneeyam Parayanam
 Day 7


Sri Padmavathi
 (Multicolor Saree)

9:00AM Sri Padmavathi Mahalankaara Darshanam (Sri Maha Maariamman Sannidhi followed by Archana 
9:30 AM
Sri Shivalinga Abhishekam
9:30 AM Sri Chandi Kalasha Puja Sri Durga Sapthashathi Parayanam / Japam along with Swarna Lakshmi Kalasha Puja
6:00 PM Sri Devi Parashakthi Abhishekam followed by Archana
 Day 8


 Sri Seethraama
(Light Blue)

Sahsranama Kumkumaarchana (Lakshaarachana)

9:00 AM Sri Seethraama Alankaara Darshanam for Sri Venkateswarswamy followed by Aradhanam along with Sri Hayagriva Swamy (utsavar) Abhishekam
9:15 AM Sri Shivalingam Abhishekam along with Navagraha  
9:30 AM  Sri Chandi Kalasha Puja Sri Durga Sapthashathi Parayanam / Japam
2:30 PM Sri Mahalakshmi Sahsaranama Kumkuma Laksharchana 
6:30 PM
Special Aaradhana for Sri Seetharaamaswamy
7:00 PM  Sri Rama Navami Bhajans by Dr. Venkatesan & Group
Day 9


Sri Sringeri

 (White or
Half White)
9:30 AM Sri Shivalinga & Sri Ayyappa Abhishekam
9:30 AM  Sri Chandi Kalasha Puja Sri Durga Sapthashathi Parayanam / Japam
11:30 AM
Sri Jagannathapuja
5:30 PM Sri Devi Maha Maariamman Kalashabhishekam followed by Sri Sringeri Sharadambal Alankaram 
Devotees sponsoring for Abhishekam please bring Milk, Sesame Oil, Honey, Dry Fruits and Flowers
Dear Devotees,

Offer/Sponsor Silk Saree:

It is very auspicious to offer pure silk sarees to Divine Mother during the Navarathri celebrations. Devotees are encouraged to sponsor sarees for various Alankarams mentioned above. Please note that we need a minimum of 4 sarees for each Alankaram and this gives opportunity for many devotees to sponsor sarees for the same Alankaram.


Sponsor Garland:

An unique opportunity to sponsor garland for Navarathri Celebration. Our Temple uses large quantities of fresh flowers to make floral garlands to adorn to Sri Devi Parashakthi. You may sponsor the garlands for one or more specific day or you may choose to donate any amount of your choice.
Sponsorship Details
Grand Sponsorship – All Vasantha Navarathri Programs (1 Chandi Homam, All Abhishekams and Archanaas) $1,008 Devotees will receive Energized 1oz Silver coin, Sankalpam on all days, Ash Poornahuthi from Devi Chandi Homam along with picture of Divine Mother's Alankaram, Vibhuthi, Kumkuma & Prasadam
 Gold Thirumangalyam
(Thaali) for Chandi Homam
$251 Devotees will receive Energized ash Poornahuthi from Devi Chandi Homam, picture of Devi Alankaram, Vibhuthi, Kumkuma & Prasadam
 Saree Sponsorship – 6 days $601
 Sri Devi Parashakthi
for Whole Event
$351 Devotees will receive picture of Devi Alankaram, Vibhuthi, Kumkuma & Prasadam
 Flower Sponsorship
for Whole Event
$251 Devotees will receive picture of Devi Alankaram, Vibhuthi, Kumkuma & Prasadam
 Saree Sponsorship – 1 Day $125 Devotees will receive picture of Devi Alankaram, Vibhuthi, Kumkuma & Prasadam
 Individual Chandi Homam $151 Devotees will receive picture of Devi Alankaram, Vibhuthi, Kumkuma & Prasadam
 Archanas for Whole Event $108 Devotees will receive picture of Devi Alankaram, Vibhuthi, Kumkuma & Prasadam
 Abhishekam – 1 Day $51 Devotees will receive picture of Devi Alankaram, Vibhuthi, Kumkuma & Prasadam
 Flowers – 1 Day $51 Devotees will receive picture of Devi Alankaram, Vibhuthi, Kumkuma & Prasadam
 Neivedhyam (morning or evening) $51 Devotees will receive picture of Devi Alankaram, Vibhuthi, Kumkuma & Prasadam
 Archana (individual) $15 Devotees will receive picture of Devi Alankaram, Vibhuthi, Kumkuma & Prasadam



Grand Sponsorship
Gold Thirumangalyam (Thaali) for Chandi Homam
Saree Sponsorship – 6 days
Sri Devi Parasakthi Abhishekams for Whole Event
Flower Sponsorship for Whole Event
Saree Sponsorship – 1 Day
Individual Chandi Homam
Archanas for Whole Event
Abhishekam - 1 Day
Flowers - 1 Day
Archana (Individual)
Neivedhyam (morning or evening)