Grand Sponsorship – All Vasantha Navarathri Programs (1 Chandi Homam, All Abhishekams and Archanaas) |
$1,008 |
Devotees will receive Energized 1oz Silver coin, Sankalpam on all days, Ash Poornahuthi from Devi Chandi Homam along with picture of Divine Mother's Alankaram, Vibhuthi, Kumkuma & Prasadam |
Gold Thirumangalyam
(Thaali) for Chandi Homam |
$251 |
Devotees will receive Energized ash Poornahuthi from Devi Chandi Homam, picture of Devi Alankaram, Vibhuthi, Kumkuma & Prasadam |
Saree Sponsorship – 6 days |
$601 |
Sri Devi Parashakthi
for Whole Event |
$351 |
Devotees will receive picture of Devi Alankaram, Vibhuthi, Kumkuma & Prasadam |
Flower Sponsorship
for Whole Event |
$251 |
Devotees will receive picture of Devi Alankaram, Vibhuthi, Kumkuma & Prasadam |
Saree Sponsorship – 1 Day |
$125 |
Devotees will receive picture of Devi Alankaram, Vibhuthi, Kumkuma & Prasadam |
Individual Chandi Homam |
$151 |
Devotees will receive picture of Devi Alankaram, Vibhuthi, Kumkuma & Prasadam |
Archanas for Whole Event |
$108 |
Devotees will receive picture of Devi Alankaram, Vibhuthi, Kumkuma & Prasadam |
Abhishekam – 1 Day |
$51 |
Devotees will receive picture of Devi Alankaram, Vibhuthi, Kumkuma & Prasadam |
Flowers – 1 Day |
$51 |
Devotees will receive picture of Devi Alankaram, Vibhuthi, Kumkuma & Prasadam |
Neivedhyam (morning or evening) |
$51 |
Devotees will receive picture of Devi Alankaram, Vibhuthi, Kumkuma & Prasadam |
Archana (individual) |
$15 |
Devotees will receive picture of Devi Alankaram, Vibhuthi, Kumkuma & Prasadam |