551 W Kennett, Pontiac, Michigan 48340
Mar 26, 2025
K.Dwadasi till 16:13
then K.Trayodasi
Dhanishta till 16:59
Sun Rise/Set: 07:27/19:52
Rahu Kalam: 13:39-15:12
Yemaganda: 09:00-10:33
Gulikai Kalam: 12:06-13:39
*EST (Detroit, Michigan)
Temple Timings
Weekdays: 9am - noon & 5pm - 8:45pm; Weekends/Festivals: 9am-8:45pm
Sri Ashtalakshmi Shrine

Click on the image to enlarge.

Sri Devi Ashtalakshmi are a group of eight manifestations of Devi Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth. She presides over eight sources of wealth. Wealth here implies prosperity, good health, knowledge, strength, progeny, and power. Sri Ashtalakshmi are always depicted and worshipped in a group in temples.

Sri Vishu and Mahalakshmi’s aspect was installed at Parashakthi temple as Sri AshtaLakshmi to grand material wealth to devotees. Sri Durga Mahalakshmi and Ashtalakshmi Vigrahas have been installed by the way of Yanthra Pratheeshta, which involves placement of Yanthras, Navrathna, and Ashtabandhana.

Sri AshtaLakshmi are:
  1. Sri Adi Lakshmi
  2. Sri Dhana Lakshmi
  3. Sri Dhanya Lakshmi
  4. Sri Gaja Lakshmi
  5. Sri Santana Lakshmi
  6. Sri Veera Lakshmi
  7. Sri Vijaya Lakshmi
  8. Sri Vidya Lakshmi