551 W Kennett, Pontiac, Michigan 48340
Mar 26, 2025
K.Dwadasi till 16:13
then K.Trayodasi
Dhanishta till 16:59
Sun Rise/Set: 07:27/19:52
Rahu Kalam: 13:39-15:12
Yemaganda: 09:00-10:33
Gulikai Kalam: 12:06-13:39
*EST (Detroit, Michigan)
Temple Timings
Weekdays: 9am - noon & 5pm - 8:45pm; Weekends/Festivals: 9am-8:45pm
Sri Ganesha Shrine

Click on the image to enlarge.

Sri Ganesha is the eldest son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi & he is the head of Pramadhaganas, hence Ganapathi. Lord Ganesha is the first Ishta Devata, the chosen God, of all Hindus, regardless of their sectarian position.

Worship of Lord Ganesha leads the devotees most naturally to the other great Gods. Lord Ganesha is the closest to the material plane of consciousness, most easily reachable and most able to assist us in our day-to-day life problems. His emblem is the Swastika, symbolizing His circuitous course in guiding the seeker through life’s perplexing experiences. Worship of Sri Ganesha strengthens your memory, builds character and brings knowledge from the within. It also protects you from the lower forces, which reside in the little-known chakras below the muladhara. These darker chakras govern fear, anger, jealousy and the confused thinking centered around self-preservation.