551 W Kennett, Pontiac, Michigan 48340
Mar 26, 2025
K.Dwadasi till 16:13
then K.Trayodasi
Dhanishta till 16:59
Sun Rise/Set: 07:27/19:52
Rahu Kalam: 13:39-15:12
Yemaganda: 09:00-10:33
Gulikai Kalam: 12:06-13:39
*EST (Detroit, Michigan)
Temple Timings
Weekdays: 9am - noon & 5pm - 8:45pm; Weekends/Festivals: 9am-8:45pm
Sri Kubera Shivalinga Shrine

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Lord Kubera is an ancient deity mentioned in Rig Veda as lord of wealth, health and material happiness. Sri Mahalakshmi is the creator and embodiment of health, wealth and happiness. Lord Kubera is given the status of custodian, maintainer and the distributor of this earth to the souls of the universe.

Sri Kubera, mythologically is a great grandson of Brahma, the “Creator”. Mother Parashakthi emanates as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva as main aspects of her, along with their Shakthis Saraswathi, Mahalakshmi, Parvathi, who are all her emanations. Brahma’s first emanation as Rishi Pulathsya gives brith to Vaishravana from whom emanates Lord Kubera with the specific purpose of maintaining and distributing all the wealth, created by Mahalakshmi aspect of our Divine Mother. Lord Kurbera is connected to each of the Trimurthi Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

In our temple Divine Mother has granted us this unique combination of the distributor of Mahalakshmi’s wealth, along with Lord Shiva’s spiritual energy to be granted to us who are her devotees. This a very rare combination, we are very fortunate and blessed to be chosen and given these aspects of Divine Mother Parashakthi to be with us in this form and grant us all the material, wealth, health and happiness, along with spiritual ascension granted through Shivalinga. Very few places in the world have this combination manifested in their respective temples. Lord Kubera is connected to all the three major Gods of Hindu Pantheon namely Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Mother Prashakthi has blessed us to have this form of her in our temple.