551 W Kennett, Pontiac, Michigan 48340
Mar 25, 2025
K.Ekadasi till 18:15
Sravana till 18:19
Sun Rise/Set: 07:29/19:51
Rahu Kalam: 16:45-18:18
Yemaganda: 10:34-12:07
Gulikai Kalam: 13:40-15:12
*EST (Detroit, Michigan)
Temple Timings
Weekdays: 9am - noon & 5pm - 8:45pm; Weekends/Festivals: 9am-8:45pm

Temple Services

Religious Services Provided By The Temple

Fees : The charges quoted are only for priestly services. Devotees provide the required ceremony supplies, as suggested by the priest.

Transportation : Services performed at sites away from the temple will incur additional transportation cost at $0.50 per mile to offset cost of transportation. This will be waived if transportation is provided by devotee.

Dakshina : The suggested minimum Priest Dakshina is given in parenthesis. This amount will be distributed equally among all Priests. Please Do Not give separate Dakshina to the Priest who performed the service. Please provide the payment breakdown in the service form provided by the priest, and use a single check in favor of PARASHAKTHI TEMPLE.

Pujas and Homas

Suggested Gurudakshina is shown in paranthesis

Pujas And Homas Temple ($) At Home ($)(Metro area only)
Archana for Temple Deity 15 NA
Abhishekam for Temple Deity 51 NA
Ekadasavara Rudrabhishekam(11 repeats of Rudram - sponsored by devotee) 125 (+50) 201 (+75)
Satyanarayana Puja - (Puja on every Full moon day in temple in group) 25 (51 Kalasa Pooja) NA
Satyanarayana Puja at Home NA 151 (+50)
Puja for any Deity at Home NA 151 (+50)
Ganapati Homam - (Homam for Lord Ganesha - Devotee sponsored) 108 (+25) 151 (+50)
Navagraha Homam - (Homam for Planets - Devotee sponsored) 108 (+25) 151 (+50)
Maha Sudarshana Homam - (Homam for Welfare - Devotee sponsored) 108 (+25) 151 (+50)
Bhagawathy Seva 25 (Group) 251 (+75)
Swarna Lakshmi Homam - (Homam for wealth) 51 (Group) 151 (+50)
Varahi Homam (Homam for power through Varahi Amma) Only Group 25/person NA
Mrutyunjaya Homam (Homam for Long Life- Devotee sponsored) 108 (+25) 151 (+108)
Chandi Homam - Devotee sponsored 251 (+100) 301 (+108)
Kalyana Utsavam (Marriage of Gods performed in temple only) 251 (+75) NA
Turmeric Kaappu* (Decorating Deity with Turmeric) 151 (+50) NA
Chandan Kaappu* (Decorating Deity with Sandal paste) 151 (+50) + Material NA
Vibhuthi Kaappu* (Decorating Deity with holy ash) 151 (+50) + Material NA
New Vaahana Pooja ** See Below (Puja performed for Automobile) 25 (+5) NA
Puja when starting New Business 108 (+25) 251 (+75)

* Turmeric and Chandan Kaapu will be performed only for Ambal, Ganesh and Subrahmanya. Vibhuthi Kaapu is performed only for Ganesh and Subrahmanya. Bhagawathy Seva will be performed only on a group basis in temple but can be sponsored at home individually or collectively.

** Vaahana pooja is performed on Saturdays and Sundays between 2:30 pm, and 5:00 pm.

Devotees should bring 4 lemons, 1 coconut and Flowers.

Temple Group Pujas Homa And Abhishekam

On special occasions such as Maha Shivarathri, Vaikashi Vishakam, Vinayaka Chathurthy, Jagannath Ratha Yathra, Chandi Homam, Kalyana Utsavam etc when multiple devotees participate, the rates charged will be different and will be announced for each such event.

Samskara At Temple ($) At Home ($) (Metro area only)
Ayush Homam (Homam) 108 (+25) 151 (+50)
Seemantam 201 (+75) 301 (+100)
Namakaranam 51 (+11) 101 (+40)
Annaprasanam 51 (+11) 101 (+40)
Chudakaranam (Hair Offering - Darba Cutting - Come back to finish) 51 (+11) 125 (+40)
Aksharabhyasam (Vidya Arambham) 51 (+11) 101 (+40)
Upanayanam 251 (+75) 351 (+100)
Vidyabhyasa Poorthi (Graduation) 101 (+25) 125 (+40)
Nischithartham (Engagement) 201 (+75) 301 (+100)
Vivaham (Wedding) 351 (+100) 501 (+151)
Wedding Anniversary 101 (+25) 201 (+75)
Shashtiabda Purthi 251 (+75) 351 (+100)
Sadabhishekam 251 (+75) 351 (+100)

Other Services

Puja At Temple ($) At Home ($)(Metro area only)
Punyaha Vachanam 51 (+25) 101 (+40)
Graha Pravesam (Ganesha, Navagraha, Lakshminarayana homams & Navarchana Bali) NA 151 (+75)
Tharpanam 21 (+10) NA
Hiranya Shraddam 51 (+25) 101 (+40)
Shraddam with Homam NA 151 (+75)
Bhoomi Puja NA 151 (+75)
Car Pooja 25 (+5) NA
Sarpa Shanthi Pooja including Homam 175 (+51) NA
Sarpa Shanthi Pooja with Prathima (Idol) 251 (+51) NA

Note :  Please call and schedule appointment for Car Pooja & Vahana Pooja, as our priests may be busy with other Rituals.

Aparakramas Only At Site

Karmam Charges
Funeral Home $201 (+75)
Funeral Rites - Funeral Home + Memorial Park $501 (+150)
Funeral Services days 1-9 Home or other designated place $151 (+50) per day
Funeral Services Days 10-13 Home or other designated place $201 (+75) per day
Full Package (all of Above) $2000 (+301)